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Lovelies (plural of love·ly)
               Noun:             A glamorous woman or girl.

     Dusk&Rubies is the name of my jewelry company designed to bring high priced looks to you for less. There is nothing I love more than a great buy. I'll brag to anyone who compliments me on my $160 dollar shoes I purchased for $15.99, or that Michael Khors dress I scored for $40 dollars. To look beautiful doesn't always mean high-end prices, just a well-made product.
     This blog is designed for a glamorous woman or girl who is looking for that high end look, trip, or life-style but for a more modest price. My girlfriends at work use my wily ways to find great deals on weekend staycations, vacations, wardrobe, and accessories. So it only felt natural to lend my "talents" to all who seeks them out.
                                                                              Enjoy Lovelies,
                                                                          Designer, Curator, and Editor 
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