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DIY: Easy & Affordable Wall Art

So, you're having people over and your walls are absolutely naked! This is quite the dilemma. Unfortunately, with your busy schedule there is not enough time to shop around and procure art. Plus, your wallet took a big hit from all your holiday spending. Try this easy fix and add warmth to any room with this easy idea. 

See how I transform four deeply discounted frames ($2 each) into a work of art worthy for display.

What you will need:
- 4 discounted frames (exact: from Pier 1 Imports "Red Capiz")
- PL 500 Loctite glue
- Scissors
- Jute Twine
- Card stock and scrapbooking supplies
- Tape
 - Hot glue gun
- Ply wood ¼ inch thick.
- Hooks
- Steel wire
- Drill

Approximate Time:  24-48 hours depending on how long it takes for your glue to dry.

Step 1: Line up your four frames the way you plan on having them hang on your wall. (I chose to create one large square but you can really arrange them anyway you like.)

Step 2: Next, depending on the type of frame you have chosen, remove the adjustable stand piece (not the back board) with a drill or screwdriver.

Step 3: Use pressed flowers, sprayed or glittery florals to create a pattern that you will use in your frames.

Step 4: Once you have matted your photographs, forals, or whatever you choose to place into your frames, you are going to close and secure your creation, and then cut a piece of plywood down to size. Mine is 24” by 28”.

Step 5: Using your pl500 Loctite glue, glue the frames to the plywood.

Step 6: Make sure you add pressure to your frames by layering something heavy on top. This will ensure a better, and stronger adhesive between the plywood and your frames. Let the glue dry for at least 24 hours.

*TIP* Your college textbooks can be used here…if you were having doubts that you would ever use them again

Step 7: To hang your beautiful work of art, you’ll need to add hooks to the back of your wall décor. Make sure they are far enough down that when you add your steel wire and hang your beautiful creation it won’t be seen. No one likes wires sticking out!

 So many finds, so little time!

Have the perfect place for a DIY like this? Share where you would hang this masterpiece in the comments below. 

Stay Lovely, 


Editor and curator of

Dusk & Rubies 

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