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Yay Or Nay Thursdays

Here just in time to help you create your perfect weekend outfit our ‘Yay Or Nay’ post!

Let’s break this down: We’ve asked 10 real guys their take on the latest fashion trends. After viewing photos of the latest trends, the panel will either give it a Yay (they dig it) or Nay (they don’t) and explain why in about one sentence. Because, let’s face it, sometimes we’re into attracting the eye of that cute guy across the room and wished we knew what he was thinking.

Other times we could care less.

So, either take it as valued information, an education, or proof that sometimes guys know nothing about fashion.

Today’s Trend: Jumpsuit

Brian: Yay- “Looks comfortable yet classy; I’de wear one.”

Ryan: Yay- “But it’s all about the fabric. If you’re going to wear something that’s structurally like a potato sack, it’s no good. It’s gotta be thin so we can see your figure.”

Joe: Yay- “I always find that it compliments a woman’s assets.”

Darryl: Yay- “Definitely depends on body type- depends on the tush, but I like those.”

Mike S.: Yay- “Yay. I’ll sacrifice the risk of camel toe in the front for a tight butt in the back.”

Felix: Yay- “Looks like a comfy, classy look."

Sam: Yay- “The jumpsuits look good, but I can’t see women in their mid-twenties wearing them.”

Daniel: Yay- "Love some and hate others. Most of these look fantastic. Obviously any jumpsuits that accentuates the female figure-YAY! Any jumpsuit that's baggy to be baggy-meh. The women next to the women in blue comes close to the too baggy circuit."

Dylan: Yay- "Comfy and has the potential to be fancy. They are the opposite of the mules."

Mike L: Yay- "It's a way for women to look sexy without looking trashy in my opinion."

The poll is in, and this one is a sure bet. 10/10 guys dig the jumpsuit and for good reasons! Agree to disagree, or agree completely with our panel?  We want to hear your take either way! Sound off in the comments below and let our guys of summer know what that got right and what they got wrong. 

Stay Lovely,


Editor and Curator of

Dusk & Rubies Blog

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