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The Leather Spa

Because even our accessories need a little rejuvenation! 

In the winter everything loses its supple elasticity, and its smooth and silky texture. I am not just talking about our skin, our hair, our nails,  (gahh my cuticles in the winter drive me crazy!) but also our leather handbags, shoes, and accessories. You know your favorite designer boots that are no longer available and look visibly weathered? You know the ones  I mean. They are so weathered you tell yourself they look "vintage" just to make yourself feel better. Although, deep down, you are well aware that your shoes are one walk up 5th Ave away from literally turning into dust. I think every girl has one pair of jeans, shoes, or favorite accessory that if anything happened to it would get on her knees and wail to the gods about how unfair life can be, then maybe eat some chocolate... or a brownie... to numb the pain...
I have a pair of boots that are my absolute favorite that are in dire need of saving. So where can you go to save a pair of leather shoes? Why a spa of course; The Leather Spa to be exact and it was one of the best Spa experiences of my life. 

Let us take a look at the before picture shall we (Dusk & Rubies is a sucker for a good before and after sequence):

The proof is in the (figgy) pudding. So while your moisturizing your face and conditioning your hair this wintry season, don't forget about giving your bags and shoes a little TLC! 

Here's The Store Information:
The Plaza Hotel
1 West 58th Street

New York, NY 10019

Tel: 212.527.9944
Find this location on foursquare

Business Hours
Mon – Fri 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Stay Lovely,
Editor and Curator of
Dusk & Rubies

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