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The Health Issue: Take The Dusk & Rubies 10 Day Fitness Challenge!

Change your diet; change your exercise; change your life!

Sometimes we fall off the wagon, and sometimes we just take up bad habits like eating dessert with every meal, drinking too many sugary drinks, piling on the extra cheese and extra bacon....sorry, this probably isn't helping. But, what if I told you that you could change this downward spiral in just ten days? Give me ten days of your time, and I will give you the steps you need to reverse the cycle, refresh your outlook, and get back to a happier, healthier you!

So, what are we waiting for? Let's begin!
Day #1:
Workout: Do some fat burning cardio! Use the machine of your preference: the bike, the elliptical, step-master, treadmill, gazelle. Whichever you can use for a good thirty minutes. Yes, we said thirty minutes. Why thirty minutes? Well, including a 5 minute warm-up, and a 5 minute cool-down, we want you to try for at least 3o minutes of  cardio  either outside or inside on a machine today. We want you to try to build up your endurance, your heart health, and your lung capacity. (If you can't do 30 do as much as you can and mark it down. We want to continue to reach for more time as you become comfortable) But the key is to find a speed that you can moderately attain for 30 minutes (meaning you're working up a sweat, but can still breathe comfortably). We don't care if you're walking, jogging, or running. Really try for 30 minutes.
Food: Replace one meal with a fruit, and veggie smoothie. Believe me it will fill you up. We made the following
1 banana
1/2 green grapes
1-2 leafs of kale
optional to add some extra fiber with 1-2 pitted prunes, or 1 tbsp. of wheat bran
3/4-1 c. Ice

Day #2:

Workout: Today is all about some fat-burning interval training! Once again, either go outside or get on your favorite cardio machine and follow the following interval plan:
What is interval training? Varying your speed and resistance throughout your work out. You want short periods of fast, intense cardio, followed by easy, less intense cardio. Benefits? You'll burn twice as many calories, plus you'll continue to burn more calories in the 24 hour period after your workout, then you would normally.

Modifications: Please feel free to modify to meet your needs. Do not attempt this if you know you cannot. Slow down the speed, and lower the incline for first time interval trainees. I suggest your slow your speeds to: 3.0-3.5 at high inclines like: 7/8. Then, for your faster intervals, use a speed 4.0-4.5 and lower the incline to 2/3. If you are a speed demon/ workout monster then you know you can up my workout to fit your needs as well. Remember an effective workout is one which you can complete and go at again tomorrow. Do NOT overexert or hurt yourself.

Food: Think whole grains, and lots of protein today. You will need it! Great sources of protein are cottage cheese, or Greek yogurt. Substitute either one as a dessert option rather than ice cream or junk food.

What do you think of day#1 and day#2 so far? Tell us what you think in the comments below. And stay tuned for the next day's challenges!

Stay Lovely, and get out there and move a little something!


Editor and Curator of

Dusk & Rubies

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