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21 Day FullyRaw Challenge: The Beginning

Raw. Meaning nothing cooked!? Wait, you mean the way my hands feel in the winter time raw? Why would anyone want to eat this way? How am I going to go to family functions? I am Italian for goodness sake! I'll be scoffed. I'll have eyes rolled every which way at me. If I am over in the corner sipping my food my family might disown me. What if friends invite me out places? Can I have a social life? Isn't this just the next over the top diet fad? I try to not pass judgments on anything until I have tried it, and only then do I discredit something as "it just wasn't for me". But these were honest thoughts running through my head as a friend of mine asked me to do this challenge with her. I knew if I was going to accept the 21 Day FullyRaw Challenge I first needed to do some research into this lifestyle and see if it was something I could even accomplish. But, as I am always up for a challenge, and trying new things. I sighed, purchased a juicer, and here I am...the day before I start eating completely differently and the first day of the next 21 day program. Are you ready to take this journey with me and see what I find out? Here goes nothing...(But I'm really thinking here goes pizza, champagne, and chocolate on top of the respect of my family, my social life, and the patience of my boyfriend. No big deal, right?)

So, first, I did some research to see what I was even getting myself into

Reasons I was interested in a fully raw lifestyle?

I am not against animal all. I love half-and-half in my coffee. I love sausage with broccoli rabe. Yep, I know some of you gasped in horror. I am not really afraid of these foods, but I mostly choose healthier alternatives like chicken or fish in my day to day. I think moderation is the key to longevity, but I don't mind trying something new. 
But what does interest me about living a fully raw lifestyle is that I constantly hear that people have more energy and feel like their bodies are working more efficiently. As of right now my daily/ weekly symptoms are fatigue, yet I can't ever seem to get a good night's sleep, feeling sick or run-down more times than not, loss of appetite, crazy swings of feeling too hot then too cold and achy joints and muscles. So, the reason I am interested in taking this challenge is to see if it helps with any of these symptoms. 

Based on my research, I learned that eating raw can be expensive, it can be time consuming, it can be difficult when it comes to social and family functions but I am willing to give it a go and see if I can sustain it for the 21 days. 

The first day was just getting through all the information, and prepping yourself and your kitchen for going raw. I'm not going to lie I ate a bit more junk today knowing that it was going to be 21 long days without sweets. I feel a little overwhelmed to be completely honest. I bought a semi-decent juicer, but nothing too expensive because I didn't know if I would honestly continue this lifestyle after the 21 days. When I told my parents I was taking the challenge they reacted the way I knew they would, "but Easter is in a week". Yep, I'll be bringing the salad guys. Thanksss.

What I foresee being most difficult for me is drinking so much fluid. It seems most of the recipes are 64 fluid ounces and that would get me through breakfast, lunch, and snack time just fine. I also notice that some of smoothies and juices are extremely high in calories some over 700 like the one that uses 8 bananas! If I ate 8 bananas in a day wouldn't I have some serious digestive issues happening?! 64 ounces seems like a lot for one drink to me, and they suggest you have one for breakfast and one for lunch! I think that seems a little ridiculous and know I will be changing a few things up. 

As posting about this every day may be a little overwhelming, I have decided I will post a review weekly for the next three weeks that deal with my reaction for each day, recipes, reviews, photos, and the challenges I face. Wish me luck lovelies! 

Stay Lovely,


Editor and Curator of 

Dusk & Rubies 

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